WuBook Community Forum

Полная версия: Reservation notes after guest's data on the booking module.
Вы просматриваете упрощённую версию нашего контента. Просмотр полной версии с полным форматированием.
There is a leak of information (as notes after guest's data) on the last step of reservation process on the booking module about necessety of filling all spaces. You can see it on the link below.
Is it possible to create this notes under the contact information?
I do not understand. If you need to book a room in hostle. send SMS to number +79688362268 (specify date of arrival and date of departure and number placement.)Or go to the website :https://suiteoffice.booking.com/2080410/#/preview
Is it possible to make red marks near the fields, where guest have to enter information about himself? Such intenational symbol is used for obligatory fields.